If your child is a fan of Disney’s new princess on the scene (Elena of Avalor) what better way to celebrate their birthday with an Elena of Avalor themed birthday party. Using elements of the show you can throw an amazing party for your little princess that she will never forget.
Right here, all on one page, we’ll be sharing plenty of amazing Elena of Avalor party ideas and supplies perfect for moms and dads who are on a tight budget, (we’ll try to keep the total cost under $100). After all a good birthday party is all about having fun with the people you love, right? So, without any further ado, let the royal party planning begin!
Elena of Avalor Birthday Party Invitations
Once the day of the royal celebration has been set, it is time to call all the guests of honor to the party, the best way to do that is through invitations.
*Free Printable Elena of Avalor birthday invitations
Use our free printable Elena of Avalor birthday invitations to invite all of the important guests to your party. Just download, print, fill in and send out.
*Custom Elena of Avalor party invites
Another great source for finding Elena of Avalor party invitations online is Etsy and Ebay. Sellers have lots of designs and the will allow you to customize the invites. The prices range but you can pick some beautifully designed invitation templates, personalized for your child for no more than $10 max. What’s great about getting invites this way too is that once you receive the file via email you can print of as many invites as needed.
*Free Printable Elena of Avalor thank you cards
Every great leader appreciates effort made by their people… so it’s only fitting to slip some thank you cards into your guests favors or even to hand them out as people leave your party. Make thank you cards with these free printable Elena of Avalor thank you cards.
Elena of Avalor Birthday Party Decorations

Elena of Avalor party balloons available from Amazon.com
To create a beautiful scene for the party you’ll need some Elena of Avalor birthday decorations. Official supplies are available, but here are some extra ideas for staging a party while adding themes taken straight from the show.
*Free Printable Elena of Avalor birthday banner
To display a birthday message on the wall, there’s no better way than with a Happy Birthday banner. Use this free Elena of Avalor birthday banner templates to make your own Elena of Avalor banner.
*Red, Gold and Turquoise color scheme
The color theme for this party can be red, gold and turquoise as seen here. Use balloons, streamers, confetti to dress up the party space. These colors look amazing together and create a classy and elegant scene.
*Tissue paper flowers
Make tissue paper fiesta flowers with Val event Gals easy to follow tutorial and place them on the party table as accents or stick them to your walls to add more color to the party room
*Free Printable Elena of Avalor Welcome Sign
Before all the guests enter the venue have a sign on display to welcome guests to the party. You could even frame the free printable Elena of Avalor welcome sign found here.
*DIY Paper Papel Picado banners
Keeping with a Mexican theme, you could make Papel Picado banners with the template and tutorial provided by Happythought.co.uk. These colorful banners are easy to string across the walls of the room and will even look great if you are having your Elena of Avalor party.
Elena of Avalor Tableware

Elena of Avalor party plates, cups and napkins available from Amazon.com
To dress up your party table there are lots of little things you can add which will make it look stunning. Here are some cost-effective Elena of Avalor themed ideas for creating an amazing table setup, that will leave a lasting impression on the royal visitors.
*DIY Ruffle Tablecloth
To set the base you’ll need to prepare the table with a tablecloth or cover before adding extra decorations. A great idea would be to make a ruffle tablecloth, which will resemble the style of the beautiful dress that Elena wears. Paging fun mums has a simple tutorial that you can follow to make a a rainbow ruffle tablecloth by using different colored plastic tablecloths and some tape. For our Elena of Avalor party theme we can use red, gold, white and blue plastic tablecloths. Dollar tree is a great place to get $1 tablecloths to make your Elena of Avalor ruffle table cloth.
*Official supplies and tableware
For official Elena of Avalor party plates, cups and napkins Shindigz is a great place to the grab these items for a reasonable price. Costs can add up quickly when buying official supplies but if you order the essentials like plates and cups you can save some money by complimenting these with cheaper solid colored extras and tableware.
You can’t go wrong with flowers, to add some color to your party table. A bouquet of roses or some wildflowers in a mason jar will do the job just fine.
*D.I.Y Royal Cutlery and Plates
If you choose to use solid colored plates and napkins stick gems to cutlery and plates as seen here. Use Gold colored plates and stick red gems on the edges or red cutlery with gold gems.
Elena of Avalor Birthday Cake and Cupcake
There are lots of ways you could go about creating the perfect Elena of Avalor birthday cake for the birthday girl. Here are some fun Elena of Avalor cake ideas you could use to make your cake.
*Elena Princess doll cake
If your child has an Elena of Avalor doll you could put it to good use by making an Elena of Avalor doll cake. Follow Cookies Cupcakes video tutorial to make this cake below.
To make Elena of Avalor themed cupcakes you can use these free printable cupcake toppers and wrappers. Just print off the templates, glue the toppers to toothpicks and pop them into your frosted cupcakes.
*Guitar Cupcake cake
Elena loves to play her guitar so an alternative cake that would still match the theme such as a guitar cake, would be a fun cake to make. In fact, you could make this amazing guitar cupcake cake shared by sweets by morgan. Just make many cupcakes and put them together to make this masterpiece.
Elena of Avalor Party Favors
To send guests home with some treats that they will love consider adding some of these goodies to your Elena of Avalor party favor bags.
*Candy Scepter Treats
For some tasty treats make Elena of Avalor candy scepter treats by using conservamoms recipe and tutorial. To make these you’ll need pretzel sticks, marshmallows, butter, sugar decoration and the blue color mist.
*Tiaras and scepters

Tiara, wand and ring set for 12 kids available from Amazon.com
Plastic princess tiaras are guaranteed to be a hit amongst your guests. You can also find plastic scepters to include in the mix to complete the Elena look.
*Candy jewels/ rings/candy necklaces
Being royalty comes with lots of responsibilities but it also comes with its fair share of bling. For this reason, candy jewels, plastic gems, rings and candy necklaces are perfect for this theme too.
*Free Printable Elena of Avalor Favor Toppers
If you plan on providing some candy favors for guests. Use these free printable Elena of Avalor favor topper templates to make cellophane favor bags.
*Free Printable Elena of Avalor Favor Tags
With the theme being a princess theme, you’ll be able to find plenty of princess favors to fill their goody bags with. Use these free printable Elena of Avalor favor tags to match the favors to your Elena of Avalor party.
*DIY Elena of Avalor hair clips
Hello Splendid has a simple tutorial to make DIY Elena of Avalor hairclips that would make great favors. This is also great craft idea or activity to do too.
Elena of Avalor Party Food Ideas
For Elena of Avalor party food ideas to make a royal feast, here are some easy foods and recipes you can add on the menu for guests to dine on.
*Free Printable Elena of Avalor food labels
Firstly, if you plan on laying out the food like a buffet. Here are some free printable Elena of Avalor food labels you can use to label each food.

Empanadas: image courtesy of Rowena
To add a latin dish on the menu why not make empanadas, Contented mouse has a great recipe for making these scrumptious bites without much fuss specifically for an Elena of Avalor themed party.
* Guitar cookies
A plate of guitar shaped cookies is easy to make and matches the theme perfectly, label this dish Elena’s guitars. A guitar cookie cutter will make cutting the shapes of your cookies a breeze.
*Avalorian Buneulos recipe
Make Avalorian Buneulos with this recipe, to serve a delicious snack for kids to munch on.
*Elena of Avalor fruit skewers
For something a little healthy consider making fruit skewers with fruits like bananas and plums or any fruits that match Elena of Avalor colors.
*Free Printable Elena of Avalor water bottle labels
Even beverages can be matched to your theme with these free printable Elena of Avalor water bottle labels.
Elena of Avalor Costume Ideas

Elena of Avalor evening gown costume available from Amazon.com
Every princess must look the part on their big day, an Elena of Avalor costume or outfit is a great way of getting the birthday girl into character. There are however many ways you can achieve this and this depends on your budget. Here are some suggestions alongside official Elena costumes available in stores now.
*Official Elena of Avalor costume
There are lots of beautiful Elena of Avalor costumes available on online stores like Amazon, you’ll also find Elena dresses for different ages there too.
*Princess tiara and scepter kit
Of course, if your child has a red dress already she could just wear that dress and add the essential accessories of a tiara and scepter to fall into character.
Elena of Avalor Party Game Ideas
*Guitar Pinata
Pinata is a game that fits the theme well, a guitar piñata is ideal for an Elena of the Avalor party.
*Mateo’s Musical Statues
Mateos magic tamberita can freeze people with the right spell, a great way to incorporate this into party is to play musical statues. If you’ve never heard of this game here’s a brief description of how the game is played. Play some music and have kids dance to it, one child (the child with the magic tamborine) has their back to the kids who are dancing, when the child with the tamborine hits the tamborine the music is cut of and all the dancers must freeze like statues. The child with the tamborine then turns around quickly to inspect the scene to see if anybody moves. If anyone moves, they have been caught and are out. Increase the difficulty of the game by having kids dancing and moving slowly towards a goal like a magical amulet (plastic gem) or the Elena’s scepter. The child who can touch the item first without getting caught takes the place of the person with the tamborine or wins a small prize.
*Coloring pages and activity sheets
Coloring pages are a great activity to buy you some time or even calm things down a little. Here are some free printable Elena of Avalor coloring pages.
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