Use these free printable American Ninja warrior cupcake toppers to decorate cupcakes at your American Ninja Warrior themed party.
The free cupcake toppers include a blue and red background with star patterns.
All the cupcake circles feature the American Ninja Warrior emblem and some of the templates include the extra addition of the Silhouette athletes.
To make cupcake circles sturdy, consider printing the templates onto white cardstock paper.
Cardstock paper is thicker than regular paper and will make cupcake toppers more durable.
License: For Personal Use Only. All characters and art belong to its rightful owners. Birthdaybuzzin does not claim ownership.
File Size: 1MB
Format: PDF
Full American Ninja Warrior Birthday Party Kit
Hi there! We’ve got more free American Ninja Warrior party printables for you to use for your party below so please be sure to scroll down to check them out (right after the instructions). If you are looking to sort out all your American Ninja Warriors party decorations and items in one go however, please check out our full printable American Ninja Warriors birthday party kit here, it includes 25 items and over 75 pages of printables! 🙂
How to use free printable American Ninja Warrior cupcake toppers
Download the free printable templates onto your computer and use adobe reader to open the PDF document.
Print the templates onto cardstock paper and cut each cupcake circle to the correct size and shape with scissors or a 2-inch hole punch.
Glue or tape the cupcake circles to lolly sticks/toothpicks/cake pop sticks. To double side the cupcake toppers stick another cupcake circle to the other side.
Poke cupcake toppers into cupcakes and voila you’re all done.
Loved all the these printables….. Great Job!!