If you are on the hunt for Bendy and the ink machine birthday party decorations, we’ve made this free printable Bendy and the ink machine welcome sign template for you to utilise as part of the party décor.
The free templates are 8 x11 inches roughly and features characters from the Videogame. Borrowing from the games vintage look, there is a dark beige background with ink splatters for added effect. The words “Welcome to my birthday party!” are printed in dripping ink font beneath the characters.
To make welcome sign sturdy and to give it a nice finish, we recommend printing this template onto white cardstock paper.
License: For Personal Use Only. All characters and art belong to its rightful owners. Birthdaybuzzin does not claim ownership.
File Size: 4MB
Format: PDF
Full Bendy and the Ink Machine Birthday Party Kit
Hi there! We’ve got more free Bendy and the ink machine party printables for you to use for your party below so please be sure to scroll down to check them out (right after the instructions). If you are looking to sort out all your Bendy and the ink machine party decorations and items in one go however, please check out our full printable Bendy and the ink machine party kit here, it includes 25 items and over 75 pages of printables! 🙂
How do I get the printable download? I dont see anywhere to download it. I am looking st the happy birthday banner, food cards, and the welcome to my party sign
Hi Roxanne,
To download the template, please click the “free download” text link in the descriptive text about the template. It is right above the “license” and “file size” info. Hope this helps.
Kind regards