Use these free printable Cocomelon water bottle labels to decorate bottle drinks for you Cocomelon themed birthday party.
The free templates feature adorable characters fans of the popular Youtube channel will recognise. The blue background includes musical notes to keep with the theme and there are two different designs to choose from.
The water bottle labels when printed will fit 330ml bottles and are great for adding a unique touch to your party. We recommend printing this template onto white cardstock paper to ensure that the labels will be sturdy and durable when in use.
License: For Personal Use Only. All characters and art belong to its rightful owners. Birthdaybuzzin does not claim ownership.
File Size: 20MB
Format: PDF
Full Cocomelon Birthday Party Kit
Hi there! We’ve got more free Cocomelon party printables for you to use for your party below so please be sure to scroll down to check them out. If you are looking to sort out all your Cocomelon party decorations and items in one go however, please check out our full printable Cocomelon birthday party kit here, it includes 24 items and over 75 pages of printables! 🙂
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