Tadaa, free printable Shimmer and Shine cupcake wrappers here! If you’ve decided to make your little genie’s wish come true by throwing her a birthday party, here are some free Shimmer and Shine cupcake wrappers to help you decorate any Shimmer and Shine cupcakes you plan to serve to your guests.
The free templates you’ll receive have two simple designs; one which consists of a purpley starry night background and features Shimmer and shine, Leah and the other featuring Shimmer and Shine on their magic carpet.
There are 2 cupcake wrapper templates per one sheet of paper.
License: For Personal Use Only. All characters and art belong to its rightful owners. Birthdaybuzzin does not claim ownership.
File Size: 2MB
Format: PDF
Full Shimmer and Shine Birthday Party Kit
Hi there! We’ve got more free Shimmer and Shine party printables for you to use for your party below so please be sure to scroll down to check them out (right after the instructions). If you are looking to sort out all your Shimmer and Shine party decorations and items in one go however, please check out our full printable Shimmer and Shine birthday party kit here, it includes 25 items and over 75 pages of printables! 🙂
How to use free printable Shimmer and Shine cupcake wrappers
To make your Shimmer and Shine cupcake wrappers; firstly, download the printables to your computer. Open the file downloaded with adobe reader and print the templates. Before printing, be sure to select the option for “full size print/borderless” on the printer settings before clicking the print button. As an added tip, you could also print on cardstock paper as it is sturdy and gives a nice finish to your printables. With the printables printed, cut out the templates and wrap each cupcake wrapper around the base of a cupcake and stick the ends together with Sellotape or glue.
Gracias! Erika.