These free printable Spirit Riding free food tents are great for labelling party foods that you want to provide at your Spirit Riding free themed birthday party.
The baby blue background of each template features flowery patterns.
We have included two different designs to choose from.
The example text provided on the templates can be edited to display the food names you want.
This is a great chance to come up with creative names for foods to match it to the party theme.
License: For Personal Use Only. All characters and art belong to its rightful owners. Birthdaybuzzin does not claim ownership.
File Size: 2MB
Format: PDF
Hi there! Please continue scrolling down to find more Free Spirit Riding Free party printables. If you are looking to get all your Spirit Riding Free party decorations and items wrapped up all at once however, check out our complete Spirit Riding Free birthday party kit. It includes 24+ items and over 75 pages of high resolution printables.
How to use free printable Spirit Riding Free food tents
Download the free printable templates onto computer and use adobe reader to open the PDF documents.
Edit the documents by clicking on the example text, typing in the desired food name. Once that is done, go ahead and print the templates onto cardstock paper.
Cut templates to actual size and shape and fold each template at the halfway point (using the middle line as a guideline).
Place next to food on party table to display.
Why does it say free when they aren’t?
Hi Christina,
I assure you the templates are free. To download the templates please look for the “free download” text link in the descriptive text of the template you want. It is right above the “license info”. When it is clicked the template will begin to download. I hope this helps.
kind regards