So, you’re the parent of a preschooler and you’ve just been steamrolled by the new PJ Masks craze. If you thought it was hard getting your tiny bundles of joy to wear at least semi-approved clothing in public, now Disney has made it almost impossible to even get them out of their jammies. Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids by day, however, come nightfall, they transform into the bracelet activated, pajama clad superheroes – Catboy, Owlette and Gecko. Bracelet-powered supper-jammies – now that’s something you never thought you would have to say with a straight face.
If your child has joined in the wonderful madness of PJ Masks worshiping, rough days are in store since you’ll probably hear a lot about super powers, mad scientists and why bedtime is the right time to fight crime. Fortunately, if you’ve got a themed birthday bash on your mind, or are just in the neighborhood looking for some gift ideas, below you’ll find a host of PJ Masks birthday party ideas, from invites, to decorations, costumes, party favors and plenty of FREE PJ Masks birthday printables.
PJ Masks Birthday Party Invitations
Step one of any sleepover/children’s party is to mentally fortify yourself for the gargantuan clean-up ahead. Step two consists of sending out invites. Since our superhero trio (whose parents seem to be on a perpetual vacation elsewhere) live in the creatively named city…” The City”, you’ll have to rely on something else to spice-up the invites.
*Free Printable PJ Masks party invitations
Use our Free printable PJ Masks party invitations featuring the words “It’s time to be a hero!” and a design with Catboy, Owlette and Gekko leaping in action to get the word out.
*DIY Superhero Masks
An alternative PJ Masks birthday invite idea is to make Superhero mask invitations with this template and by following this sleeping mask birthday invitation tutorial.
*Free Printable PJ Masks Thank You Cards
Also to say thank you to your guests, these free printable PJ Masks thank you cards will be useful.
PJ Masks Birthday Party Decorations
Once the tiny pajama clad superheroes have received their puzzles and are eagerly waiting for nighttime (party date) to inspect your evil lair, as a supervillain (or caring parent) it’s your duty to make sure that your hideout matches their expectations – in other words: It’s decoration time!
*PJ Masks Color Scheme
Whether you’re looking forward to cutting, gluing and decking the halls, or just contemplating the amount of work with dread, the place to start is a color scheme- and the show makes it easy (Red Green Blue with a dash of pink, dark blue and neon green). Isn’t that thoughtful? Now you can pretty much RGB the living daylights out of anything – inanimate or not.
*City Skyline Backdrop

Cityscape backdrop available from
A DIY City Skyline at night backdrop made from black construction paper and yellow sticky notes would also be great for setting the scene. You could alternatively use cardboard to make the buildings, paint it black and paint on windows/lights. If you’re pressed for time, you can purchase a printed cityscape to stick up on your walls instead.
*PJ Masks Balloons
Make superhero balloons (using the same color scheme), and to bring them to life draw on character logos with a sharpie. Another way you can match your balloons to the theme would be to put Superhero Masks on balloons as seen here. The same can be done for party streamers – match red with pink, and neon green, light and dark blue.
*Free Printable PJ Masks Birthday Banner
To keep your costs down, we’ve made some Free printable PJ Masks birthday banner templates for you. Download and use them to make a banner that reads happy birthday at your party – Check it out below.
*Romeo’s Lab
For extensive fun and shenanigans, recreate the inside of Romeo’s Mobile Laboratory in the lavatory (or on a table in a corner). Start off with a plaque with the name on the door and color it green, white and back (like so). For the mad scientist lab look, strew about beakers, measuring cups, timers, grinders. You can buy and scatter vials and Petri dishes, and fill them with colorful gels. For a dash of whimsy, place Romeo’s lab coat and goggles on the bathroom door hanger (any lab coat and goggles will do). There is no limit to the amount of fun to be had – you can add buttons, switches, levers, blinking lights (anything screaming trap-doors and evil laughter, really).
PJ Masks Birthday Party table setup
The crowning achievement of decoration is the party table – for a fantastic PJ Masks party table setup (especially if you plan on a sleep over style party), add a pillow on one of the table ends, spread a few toys around the bottom of the table, place a teddy bear on the pillow and have a table cloth resembling a comforter – instant sleepover decorations.
*PJ Masks Party Plates, Cups, Napkins etc
In terms of supplies and going with a more superhero-centric setup, there are now official PJ Masks party supplies available to purchase, so you can pick up essentials such as themed plates, cups and napkins with relative ease from lots of online sources.

*Night Skyline Tablecover
To compliment these items you could use this plastic Night skyline tablecloth which perfectly matches the “fighting crime at night” element of PJ Masks and is easy to clean off just in case there are any spillages, which is always handy when hosting a kid’s party.

Nightsky tablecover available from
If you want to save some bucks go with the character theme colors for tableware – red and pink for Owlette, Light and dark blue for Catboy and green and neon green for Gecko.
*Free Printable PJ Masks Placemats
As part of your table decorations print of free PJ Masks placemats, they’ll compliment the rest of your table decor and when laminated will provide an easy to clean placemat for your guests.
*PJ Masks Drink station Ideas
For beverages, consider setting up “Romeo’s experimental drinks corner” – use this to serve brightly colored sodas out of vials or beakers.
*PJ Masks Centerpiece Ideas
As added decor for the party you could make a PJ Masks centerpiece by using cardboard to make the PJ Masks headquarters or superhero candy holders by putting superhero masks on jars of candy. All you’d have to do is fill jars full of green, blue and red candy to represent the characters and stick on the masks to the outside of the jars.
PJ Masks Costumes and Birthday Outfits

PJ Masks Character Felt Masks available from ANewHopeCrafts Etsy store
Once the house is ‘themed to the max’, you can turn your full decorating attention to your offspring (who are either unsuccessfully trying to blend in with the couch, hoping you won’t notice them or giggling as they join in the madness- the dark side has cookies).
Despite the relative newness of the PJ Masks show, the timely arrival of Halloween had ensured that there are at least some costume tutorials or ideas floating out there in the giant depths of the net. The easiest bit of costume decoration you can get/make are PJ Masks Bracelets – just cut them out of felt and sow the character’s emblems on, or, of going with the sleepover theme, have some glow in the dark bracelets.
As for the whole costume, just use onesies or full body leotards with masks. Superhero costumes are pretty much the one and only chance you will get to have your children put on full body leotards so you can take adorable (blackmail) pictures for later. Don’t miss out on it!
For slightly more elaborate costumes, you get to use your glue gun (and be sheriff of Cloth-ville/Felt-land). Here’s a Catboy suit tutorial using a glue gun, felt, sweat pants and a long sleeved tee. It even comes with its own Catboy patterns template. From the same crafty mom, there is an Owlette suit tutorial, complete with very pretty felt wings. Gecko, unfortunately seems to be more of a chameleon when it comes to finding costume tutorials on the net – however, you can solve that problem with a Gecko crochet hat (found on Etsy), green pants and long sleeved t-shirt and a sowed on felt emblem.
*Romeo Costume Idea
Another Pj Masks birthday outfit idea is to go to the dark side (of the moon?) and dress your child as Romeo. Have a lab coat handy, or make your own out of an old shirt. Add to it black gloves, black rain boots, black belt (you get the picture), goggles and a Dracula wig (old style Dracula, with a white hair lock) and Presto: you have a tiny mad scientist on the prowl.
*Personalized PJ Masks T-shirts
Personalized PJ Mask t-shirt are also an option for their big day and is available from stores such as the …. Store on Etsy. These shirts not only have cool designs of characters but will be personalized with the birthday boy/girls name and age so they feel extra special.
PJ Masks Party Food and drinks

Owl cookies by Mario from Coastline cookies via Flickr
Once the tiny legions of chaos…err, superheroes. Are here, you need to keep them fed – nothing works up an appetite like chasing after Romeo when he attempts to steal the roller-coaster train or trying to dodge Luna Girl’s water spray (Catboy, we’re looking at you).
*PJ Masks Jello
As with everything else, the RGB theme stands proud – so why not give in and make some green, blue and red jell-o pots? Or slurpees? (they’re traditionally whacky colored so no one would bat an eye at a neon green slurpee).
*PJ Masks Pasta
If you like your superheroes together, make some Pj Masks pasta and meatballs – here’s how you can make colored pasta.
*Free Printable PJ Masks Food Labels
To help with labeling the foods, we’ve made these free printable PJ Masks party food labels. You can also be creative with labeling and have Catnip dips, Owl treats (peanuts/snacks), Gecko tails (any long green colored snack –like candy melts covered pretzel sticks).
*Catboy Food Ideas
If it’s warm enough outside to consider making ice cream (which for kids it always is), then why not make some Catboy ice cream sandwiches – you can make your own cookies and color them blue with food colorant or use bright blue frosting and make the accents with dark blue. There are also Cat doughnuts, and cat pizza biscuits which would work well as food themed around Catboy– if it’s edible, it probably has a tutorial on how to be made into a cat shape (you should be resigned by now to the fact that cats have taken over the net a long time ago).
*Gecko Food Ideas
Gecko gets to share some of the attention with Gecko cookies (or the simpler version with frosting) and gecko shaped sandwiches (using a lizard shaped cookie cutter – and a tasty sandwich recipe that even kids will like).
*Owlette Food Ideas
You can also make Owlette sandwiches – use salami to get the red color – they look like this. Another Pj Masks birthday food idea is to make Owlette pretzels with red candy melts and marshmallows, or, if your children are not afraid of fruit, you can try these cute Owlette strawberries.
*Free Printable PJ Masks Water Bottle Wrappers
Use our Free PJ Masks water bottle labels to decorate drinks. Villains can also join in on the fun, if you add a Romeo’s drink experiment by serving multi colored drinks out of vials/beaker. As an added snack you could also add Luna Girls’ helper moths with celery pretzel butterflies or make Night Ninja’s Oreos.
PJ Masks Birthday cake and cupcakes

PJ Masks edible cake topper available from DolceCakeToppers Etsy store.
No daring crime solving (and birthday bash) is complete without a majestic birthday cake. The quick and easy way is to contact a pastry shop or a cake decorating shop or you can even go for the simple option of having PJ Mask edible image cake topper placed on top of cake. For the next Great Master Bakers out there, there are plenty of fun tutorials to try out.
*PJ Masks Birthday Cake Ideas
A sleepover theme or the nighttime crime fighting theme lends itself to a lot of ideas. For instance, you can make a night skyline cake and add Pj Masks figures.
Another night-themed PJ Masks cake idea is to make a Moon cake using this planet cake tutorial, cover it with gray fondant and paint over craters with food colorant. At the bottom you can add Pj Masks toys.
*Free Printable PJ Masks Cupcake Toppers and Wrappers
For PJ Masks cupcakes simply frost cupcakes green, red and blue and add some sprinkles. For added decoration you could use these Free PJ Masks cupcake toppers to get your cupcakes to match the theme perfectly. Also be sure to compliment these decorations with free PJ Masks cupcake wrappers.
PJ Masks Birthday Party Games and Activities
Bored children can make any parent wary. Now picture bored children with superpowers… (if a lifetime of cleaning just flashed before your eyes, you’re not the only one). The trick is to keep them busy, because when a house full of children is quiet – that’s when the scary things go down.
*Free PJ Masks coloring Pages
You can start off with some coloring pages, however, there are not that many of them out there (tracking them down felt like a modern quest for the Holy Grail).
*Build a Pillow fort
Another nice way to keep the superheroes entertained is a pillow fort conquest –and it goes well with the sleepover theme. Here’s how to build an awesome pillow fort to trump all pillow forts ever (who says this has to be fun only for the children?).
*Romeo’s Mime Game
Another PJ Masks birthday party game idea is to play Romeo’s mime. Romeo’s voice stealing box has made one of our heroes unable to speak. Only through mime can he communicate to his fellow team mates how to avoid the traps set up by Romeo, so he can be rescued. Will he make it on time?
*Luna Girl’s Moon Ball treasure hunt
Luna Girl is at it again, she stole toys and hid them around the house/garden – our daring troopers need to find them all. A tasty prize awaits the winning team.
*Catboy’s Balloon pop game
This one is bound to be a favorite with kids of all ages – Catboy’s balloon pop challenge – how fast can you pop them? Cat boy has a clawed advantage.
*Pin the tail on Catboy
You can even try a traditional game with a PJ Masks twist such as Pin the tail on Catboy/Gecko and the feather on Owlette.
*Catboys tail chase game
Then there is Catboy’s tail chasing game. The children stand in line with their arms on the shoulders of the child in front of them. The first one is the head, the last one in the line is the tail. The head has to catch the tail without the line breaking – and the players in the middle have to hinder the progress of the tail, without removing their hands from the child in front. If the line breaks, the one who broke it becomes the new ‘head”. When the head catches the tail, it becomes the new tail and the next child in line becomes the head.
*Owelette’s feather game
Or, how about Owlette’s feather? Her feather has become poisoned, whoever touches it, gets a penalty – have the children sit in a circle and hold a round tablecloth/sheet between them. Start some music and place a heavy set feather in the middle. Have them blow air and tip the cloth to try to get the feather as far away from them as possible, they shouldn’t leave their positions. When the music stops, whoever is closest to the feather gets a penalty letter – forming OWLETTE for instance.
*Superhero training center/obstacle course
All superheroes need a little training before they’re ready to go out into the big bad world and save the day. So to get your blossoming heroes ready, set up a Superhero training center or in other words an obstacle course which will help them to hone their powers. You could have a strength challenge, activities that test their super jump activities like Catboy, a climbing challenge to test their super Gecko lizard grip and a vision challenge where you hide some clues/candy or objects and have the kids use binoculars to find the items so they can test out their super Owl eyes like Owlette.
PJ Masks Birthday Party Favors

PJ Masks Felt Bracelet party favors available from ceciandjuju Etsy store
The evil plots have been foiled and the superheroes need to get in their Catmobiles and get home to rest so they can fight another night. A goodie bag will remind them about what it is they are fighting for – candy, of course. You can personalize their bags by having red, green or blue bags and gluing cutouts of the heroes.
*DIY PJ Masks badges
As for what goes inside the goody bags, you can make some Pj Masks badges using the beer/soda bottle cap tutorial. Alternatively, you make your own badge shape and seal it off with epoxy resin – like here.
*DIY PJ Masks Bottle cap necklaces
Or, why not go with the ever so popular bottle cap necklaces – an easy tutorial on how to make your own. Here are some free PJ Masks bottlecap images you can use to make these.
*Free Printable PJ Masks Favor Toppers
To store candy treats use our free printable PJ Masks favor toppers to seal candy favors like jelly beans, skittles or m&m’s in a cellophane bags.
If crafting is not your thing, or time just isn’t your friend anymore, you can also buy a lot of goodies from Etsy or Amazon to fill their bags further, like:
*PJ Masks bracelets
*PJ Masks superhero felt masks
*PJ Masks Stickers
If you have the budget a few of these party favors will be a guaranteed crowd pleasers. If not, you could use a few cheap super hero party favors to great effect too.
*Free Printable PJ Masks Favor Tags
To compliment these favors, these free printable PJ Masks favor tags will do the job just fine.
PJ Masks Birthday gift ideas
Last but not least, the nemesis of any parent – the birthday gift. Unfortunately, with the show being so new, there is next to nothing in terms of available merchandise currently. However, if your child has a late autumn/winter birthday then you’re one of the lucky ones. Just Play will launch this autumn a whole set of toys for PJ Masks (action figures, playsets, vehicles, the whole nine yards). The only problem then would be knowing when to stop getting things for your kid (damn those puppy eyes).
If your child’s birthday bash is imminent, then there are still some options available like the very cute Catboy, Owlette and Gecko hooded bath towels to be found on Etsy or Ebay. Then there are superhero capes, Pj Masks T-shirts and hoodies. In fact, there are plenty of places that offer clothe printing services. You can also do it yourself with some transfer paper and mad ironing skills. Etsy and Ebay also offer a selection of hats, like Catboy fleece hats, Gecko Crochet hats and Owlette crochet hats. There are also crayon holders, Catboy plush toys and Pj Masks fingers puppets. While there aren’t any Pj Masks lunch boxes available for purchase, you can always make your own Pj Masks lunch box.
I’m planning my son’s 3rd b’day around this theme and really thank you!
This was more than helpful!!