So, your little one has caught the PJ Masks bug and fancies themselves to be a bedtime superhero huh… Well if your scrambling for ideas for PJ Masks party games this page will strive to help you out. You’ll find plenty of simple games and activities you can include as part of your PJ Masks party theme to keep guests entertained. Check out all the PJ Masks party game ideas below.
Superhero Obstacle Course
A great way to get kids testing their superhero abilities is with a superhero obstacle. You can really get creative with this by having parts of the course dedicated to each PJ Masks character. For example, Catboy has super agility, a fun section of the course can be hoop jumps. To do this just lay some Hoola hoops down but with some spaces in between them so kids can leap out of one hoop into the other. Some other easy sections you can add to your Superhero obstacle course which will fit the theme can include:
-Lava walk
To create your own lava walk, simply have a plank that is elevated off the floor a little. On either side of the plank use brown, red and yellow tissue paper to replicate lava. The aim of the activity is for kids to show their super balancing skills by walking across the plank to safety without falling into the lava.
-Tunnel crawl
Using a play tunnel have kids crawl through as quickly as possible to get to the other side. They will have to be quick, agile and flexible as they make their way through this obstacle.
-Superhero strength training
To test the strength of our heroes, make weights for them to lift. Weights can be made with beach balls and a mop handle. Here is an easy tutorial to make these toy weights.
Traditional games
Pin the tail on Gekko or Catboy
These traditional games will never get old especially if you put a little twist on them to fit your theme. Pin the tail on the donkey becomes pin the tail on Catboy or Gekko.
PJ Masks piñata
Pinata is also a fun classic game that is easy to incorporate. You can find PJ Masks pinatas of characters from places like etsy and there are some good deals on piñata filler candy online but you can easily find filler candy from a local dollar tree too.
Create your own Superhero
Every child’s birthday party needs some creative activities to allow kids to express their inner Picasso. For this theme kids can create their own superhero by decorating masks. All you would need are superhero felt masks and construction paper, stickers, glitter and even gems so kids can decorate their masks as they please. You could also print out these templates of superheroes so that kids can color in and design their own superhero character.
PJ Masks coloring Pages
You can’t go wrong with coloring pages… It is the perfect distraction for kids especially if you want to prepare food or set up an activity. Print some of these free PJ Masks coloring pages and have some coloring pencils or crayons in a bowl for kids to use.